PROJECTSSkiffes Creek
BHCI completed all access work associated with the Surry-Skiffes Creek 500kV and Skiffes Creek-Whealton 230kV projects. Access was installed to support the installation of a new 7.7-mile line to connect the new Skiffes Creek Substation to Surry Nuclear Power Station. This was done to allow the Yorktown Power Station to shut down its 2 coal burning generators.
TL 534 Cunningham-Dooms
BHCI completed rehab on the majority of a 33-mile long 500kV transmission line upgrade. This project began at Cunningham Substation, just south of Charlottesville, VA, and travelled west to Dooms Substation in Waynesboro, VA. The majority of the rehab BHCI completed included the removal and rehab of previously installed access roads where the line crosses I64, near Crozet, as well as on both the east and west sides of Afton Mountain. This work included the removal of stone access roads, originally installed by BHCI for the TL43 Bremo-Dooms project, as well as regrading and hydroseeding of all slopes and pads that had been changed for access.